A Comprehensive Synthetic Data Detection Benchmark using Large Multimodal Models

Authors: Junyan Ye 1,2*, Baichuan Zhou 2*, Zilong Huang 1*, Junan Zhang 5*,
Tianyi Bai 2, Hengrui Kang 2, Jun He 1, Honglin Lin 2, Zihao Wang 1, Tong Wu 4, Zhizheng Wu 5, Yiping Chen 1, Dahua Lin 2,4, Conghui He 2,3†, Weijia Li 1†

Affiliations: 1Sun Yat-sen University, 2Shanghai AI Laboratory, 3SenseTime Research, 4The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 5The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)

* Equal Contribution, † Corresponding Authors

Teaser Image
Generated by AI

Diverse modalities: Our dataset includes high-quality multimodal data generated by recent popular synthetic models, covering video, image, 3D, text, audio.
Heterogeneous category: Our collected dataset includes 26 detailed categories across different modalities, such as specialized statellite and medical images; text like philosophy and ancient chinese; and audio data like singing voice, environmental sound and music.
Multi-level tasks: LOKI includes basic ”Synthetic or Real” labels, suitable for fundamental question settings like true/false and multiple-choice questions. It also incorporates fine-grained anomalies for inferential explanations, , enabling tasks like abnormal detail selection and abnormal explanation, to explore LMMs’ capabilities in explainable synthetic data detection.
Multimodal synthetic data evaluation framework: We propose a comprehensive evaluation framework that supports inputs of various data formats and over 25 mainstream multimodal models.


With the rapid advancement of AI-generated content, the future internet may become saturated with synthetic media, making it increasingly challenging to discern truth and trust information. Synthetic data detection has thus garnered widespread attention, and the performance of multimodal large models (LMMs) in this task has attracted significant interest. On one hand, these models can provide natural language explanations for their authenticity judgments, paving the way for enhanced explainability in synthetic content detection. On the other hand, distinguishing between real and synthetic data tests the perception, knowledge, and reasoning abilities of LMMs—capabilities essential for advancing towards more robust Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). In response, we introduce LOKI, a novel benchmark designed to evaluate the ability of LMMs to detect synthetic data across multiple modalities. LOKI encompasses video, image, 3D, text, and audio modalities, comprising 13K carefully curated questions across 28 subcategories with clear difficulty levels. The benchmark includes coarse-grained true/false questions, in-domain multiple-choice questions, and fine-grained anomaly explanation questions, effectively assessing models in synthetic data detection and reason explanation. We evaluated 15 open-source LMMs and 3 closed-source models (including GPT-4 and Gemini) on LOKI, highlighting their potential as synthetic data detectors while also revealing current limitations such as imbalanced modality capabilities and weak logical reasoning abilities.


On the LOKI benchmark, we evaluated 22 open-source LMMs, 6 advanced proprietary LMMs, and several expert synthetic detection models. Our key findings are summarized as follows:

Synthetic Data Detection Tasks:

● LMMs exhibit moderate capabilities in synthetic data detection tasks, with certain levels of explainability and generalization.
● LMMs are highly promising tools for synthetic detection, offering additional interpretability compared to expert models and access to feature-level information invisible to the human eye.

LMMs Capabilities:

● Most LMMs exhibit certain model biases, tending to favor synthetic or real data in their responses.
● Lack of expert domain knowledge, performing poorly on specialized image types like satellite and medical images.
● Unbalanced multimodal capabilities, excelling in image and text tasks but underperforming in 3D and audio tasks.
● Prompting strategies, including few-shot learning and chain-of-thought, helpenhance LMMs' abilities.

These findings highlight the challenging and comprehensive nature of the LOKI task and the promising future of LMMs in synthetic data detection tasks.


LOKI, a multimodal synthetic data detection benchmark, designed specifically to comprehensively assess the capabilities of LMMs in detecting synthetic data. As illustrated in Figure.1, LOKI encompasses a variety of modalities including video, image, 3D, text, audio, with over 26 specific subcategories of data. The benchmark utilizes fine-grained anomaly annotations to construct a tiered variety of question types, including judgment, multiple-choice, and anomaly explanation questions, totaling over 18k questions. Table.1 provides a detailed comparison of LOKI with existing datasets, including traditional synthetic detection benchmarks and those tailored for evaluating LMMs. LOKI excels in data coverage, diversity, and depth of question design.

Figure.1 Statistical information of LOKI.
Table.1 The comparison between LOKI and other existing benchmarks.

Click here to go to the different data sections:


We collected 620 video clips by utilizing various closed-source and open-source models generating high-quality text-to-video synthesis data along with corresponding real domain sample data.

Video Case

Preview image of tourist-local SF Preview image of tourist-local HK Preview image of tourist-local SF Preview image of tourist-local HK Preview image of tourist-local HK

Video Annotation

For the AI-generated video clips, we employed the LabelU tool to annotate anomaly details, including Anomalous Segments and their descriptions, Anomalous Key Frames, and Global Anomaly Descriptions. (Use LabelU for annotation)


We collected various categories of audio, including environmental sounds, music, speech, singing.

Audio Case

Click here to play different types of audio:

Buffering ...


We have collected over 2,900 images from 7 subcategories through existing dataset extraction, internet collection, and new data synthesis. The image synthesis methods include FLUX, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, and 10 other different methods to ensure high quality and diversity of the data.

Image Case

Click here to view different types of image:

Image Annotation

For the synthesized image data, in addition to Overall Annotations, we performed anomaly region bounding and explanations. The Region Anomaly Annotations allow for more fine-grained and specific labeling, which can be used for generating subsequent anomaly detail questions. (Use LabelU for annotation)


We conducted a comprehensive analysis of OmniObject3D, selecting scanned instances as ground truth within the same domain. By constructing prompt texts, we synthesized three NeRF models and three 3DGS models, and supplemented them with results from the advanced commercial model Clay and some Nerf-based results from GPTEval3D. We collected a total of over 1,200 3D models from ten different synthesis methods, including both synthesized and real scanned data.

3D Case

method: CLAY
prompt: A plush octopus whose arms are gently waving pencils
method: GradeADreamer
prompt: A torn hat
method: DreamGaussian
prompt: A chair made from polished oak
method: GaussianDreamer
prompt: A brick house
method: DreamFusion
prompt: A pen sitting atop a pile of manuscripts

3D Annotation

Additionally, we performed Texture Anomaly Description Annotations corresponding to the RGB four views of the synthesized 3D data, as well as Normal Anomaly Description Annotations. Notably, besides the multi-view format, the 3D data also supports point clouds and panoramic videos. (Use LabelU for annotation)


Based on summarization and regeneration methods, we generated counterfeit texts similar to the original texts using mainstream models such as GPT-4o, Qwen-VL-Max, Llama 3.1-405B. We collected eight categories of text data, pairing each sample with a real text and a model-generated similar text, totaling 4,320 text entries. Our text data were categorized by length and language, including short texts (50-100 characters), medium texts (100-200 characters), and long texts (over 300 characters), with a 1:1 ratio of Chinese to English data.

Text Case

Click here to view different types of text:


In terms of problem setting, our questions are mainly divided into the following four types:

*Here we have set up four question banks, each of which contains Judgement and Multiple-Choice questions, and users can experience some of the questions.

Click here to change examination:


User "You have been shown one image, possibly generated by AI. Please identify whether this image is generated by AI or not."

Click here to choose your answer:


User "You have been shown two different images. One of the images is generated by AI. Which of the above images is most likely not generated by AI ?"

Click here to choose your answer:


Figure. 2 The multimodal large model capability assessment analysis results

Table.2 Multimodal evaluation of LMMs
Table.3 Left: Text evaluaion of LLMs ;
Right: Audio evaluation of Audio LMMs
Table.4 Results of different models on the LOKI for Abormal Details Selection and Abnormal explanation questions
Table.5 Left: Result decomposition across questions difficulty levels
Right: LMMs’ performances under different prompting strategies for judgement tasks


In this project, we introduced LOKI, a multimodal benchmark designed to evaluate the performance of large multimodal models in detecting synthetic data across various modalities. We conducted a comprehensive study of LMMs’ performance on video, image, 3D, audio, text, and specialized subdomains, and we also analyzed LMMs’ ability to explain detailed anomalies in synthetic data. The experimental results indicate that LMMs have a certain level of competence in detecting synthetic data and a preliminary ability to explain anomalies. However, LMMs require further development in specialized domains and underexplored modalities such as audio and 3D data. Additionally, their reasoning and comparative analysis capabilities need improvement. The introduction of LOKI marks a significant step forward in advancing explainable synthetic data detection in the context of the growing prevalence of synthetic content on the internet and in evaluating LMM capabilities in the pursuit of AGI. Moreover, the relationship between synthesis and detection is adversarial yet mutually reinforcing; better and more interpretable synthetic detectors will further promote the development of AI synthesis technologies.
